The Some-Things-Are-Universal Department: A corporate treasury manager who stole almost $20 million over five years to fund his Internet gambling addiction was convicted and sentenced to five years in jail. Colleagues described him as "quiet, unassuming and polite." The theft was discovered when he handed in his notice, but couldn't explain discrepancies to his replacement. His modus operandi, by the way, was to log on to the system as various company executives and withdraw small amounts at a time. ...

Government Accountants at Work:
U.K. taxpayers are losing about $2 billion a year to waste, fraud and abuse in the nation's sprawling work and pensions system. Of course, this is only the 16th year the auditors have issued such a finding. ...

Where Else but the U.K.?
Accounting is taken seriously over here. The prestigious Times of London lists in a special four-page section every candidate who passed the test to join the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, the AICPA's closest cousin in the U.K. ...

Death and Taxes:
An inheritance tax imposed in 1986 to target the "Brideshead Revisited" set is now sweeping up about a third of all homeowners, whose property values have risen rapidly in recent years. Their heirs could owe 40 percent at settlement.