Monday, February 09, 2004

Is Economic Surge Just Election-Year Bubble?
At Large/for the AICPA CPA Insider

Most CPAs are cautiously optimistic about the 2004 economic outlook, but at the their own firms and companies, planning is conservative and purse strings remain tight.

For those who will be spending this year, the top categories include:

Computers and accessories: 74 percent
Professional literature, books or CPE: 73 percent
Office supplies and equipment: 72 percent
Tax or accounting software: 50 percent
Business-related insurance: 44 percent
Banking/financial services: 38 percent
Phone services: 31 percent
Express mail services: 24 percent
Client/customer contact management software: 17 percent
Outsourcing services or service bureaus: 17 percent
Mergers or acquisitions: 14 percent