Thursday, December 23, 2004

Andersen Refugee:
'Thank You, Mr. Sarbanes and Mr. Oxley'

How's this for irony?

Three auditors who lost their jobs when Arthur Andersen folded are cleaning up because of the mistakes that led to Andersen's downfall.

They're auditing local San Jose, Calif., businesses that are racing to meet Sarbanes-Oxley regulations devised to prevent another fraud like Enron, according to the Mercury News.

But there's more: The founders named their firm Blueback, the nickname for the blue forms that Andersen's auditors used to detail their clients' accounting flaws. And co-founder Kim Le's last name is pronounced "Lay."' (As in Ken "Lay.")

The 32-year-old Le says she loved the eight years she put in at Andersen. But the firm collapsed while she was on maternity leave with her first child. By the time she was pregnant with her second, she knew she wanted to go back to work. So she teamed with two other Anderson refugees to start Blueback.

Blueback is now handling a number of accounting chores for Intuit, Neoforma, Plumtree Software and Good Technology.

Joked Le: ``I've got to write Senators Sarbanes and Oxley and thank them.''