Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Stress Relievers for Telecommuters

In 2003, 71 percent of U.S. employees worked more than 40 hours per week, and 57 percent considered themselves overworked, according to a survey by career site Monster. The good news? Home-office workers can incorporate stress relievers that may not fly in the corporate office.

Here are five techniques that telecommuters can try at home:

1. At home you aren't subject to fire-hazard laws, so light aromatherapy candles.

2. Play light, relaxing music in the background, but lower the volume during business calls.

3. Take a 15-minute power nap to keep you refreshed, or reward yourself with a quick break. For instance, for every two hours of work, allow yourself 10 minutes to get a snack, get fresh air, or to stretch.

4. Arrange for a massage therapist to visit you in your home. Onsite masseuses are often paid by short blocks of time, so arrange the visit for as quick or as long as you need.

5. Take advantage of your flexible schedule. Work a half day when you are too stressed to concentrate. Make up the other half on a day when your office coworkers don't go in, like on a Saturday morning or on a holiday.

Source: www.salesandmarketing.com